This is still under testing with major development milestones already achieved. The goal is for it to be completely free and open source, and just be a little bit of fun for bored developers, or those who want to stand out.
It has a pretty simple concept, which I'll just copy-paste from the site itself:
DevDuel is a weekly coding challenge where you compete with other developers to create the best project that fits the task. Every monday at 00:00 UTC a new task is released, and you have until friday at 23:59 UTC to submit your solution.
You submit your solution as a public URL to a website, and you can include the source code, among other things. After the deadline, the submissions are made public and everyone can vote on their favorite one. The voting period starts on saturday at 00:00 UTC and ends on sunday at 23:59 UTC.
After the voting period, the winner is announced, and the next task is released. The winner is decided by the number of votes, and if there is a tie, the winner is decided randomly.